Perry Ellis creative director Michael Maccari landed on a solid, steady line of thought for Fall: “acceptable” uniforms. Or, more specifically, how the codes that have long dictated men’s dressing are changing and forever becoming increasingly casual, thereby rendering a new dimension of acceptability.
What came of that was a more street-salient result than in recent seasons, with a retro sportif fix, to boot (see an intarsia knit sweater emblazoned with the number 80—1980 was the year Perry Ellis began designing menswear). Maccari suggested underscoring blazers with crinkly button-downs and tees, or sporting flat-brims embroidered with the letters PE (physical education, interchangeable with Perry Ellis).
This collection wasn’t streetwear in the sense that we’ve come to know the category—it had more formality about it—but it was a measured and metered step into a relaxed zone, which was nice to see.
Other parts to call out: a printed neoprene sweater, which was strong, and a handful of quarter-zips. Maccari, jokingly though accurately, said, “Quarter-zips are feeling cool again, right?” Agreed. Also: He’s launching shoes with the season, most of which are hybridized versions of sneaker-loafers. One even has a removable tassel.