Agnès Trouble is not a woman of one mind. Neither is her namesake collection. At today's lengthy presentation, the looks were unified more by spirit than anything else. There was a youthful raffishness about all of these clothes, whether the two-tone jersey peacoats that opened (worn with Napoleonic bicorne hats, which left you with a slight taste of high school drama class) or the leather leggings, worn with seducers' bow-tied tops. With the exception of those leggings, all of the casual, wearer-friendly pieces she showed would work for young and old, anywhere and (with the possible exception of the business-formal office) everywhere. That makes it a good complement to Trouble's own lifestyle. A film buff (and festival sponsor), art collector, activist, and rock fan, she's a woman of many hats. Oh, and speaking of hats, there were a ton more where those bicornes came from.